Tuesday, November 24, 2015

God - The Greatest Whole, Part 2

This is a writing of mine from a couple years ago from a blog of mine called, Obnoxious Psychobabble and Blasphemy.  I have not done much with that blog recently and do not plan to do much with it in the near future and therefore thought it might be good to bring a few of my favorite things from it to this blog.  My observations and understanding of those observations have probably evolved a little from when I wrote it.

I want to re-iterate that I do not think what I wrote in my post titled, God - The Greatest Whole,  is inconsistent with most of today's major religions, or at least not more inconsistent than they are with themselves. I am not at all trying to convince anyone to leave their own religion.

For me though I need to see, hear, feel, or experience God here and now in today's world. I simply cannot believe strongly in what did or did not happen thousands of  years ago.  I cannot and then I get worried about the fact I cannot, and if then I can fit in with this group, and it keeps me from others and therefore God. If this was the only way I might still try it, and I did stick with it a long time, thinking it was the only way. 

Then I finally got desperate enough and found God in today's world. At that point being in a religion that said they were the only way to God, just seemed wrong or inauthentic or against what I had found that was so real and wonderful. Again though, I am not suggesting others leave their religion or that religions are wrong or bad. Certainly, if you feel your religion is keeping you from finding God here and now, like it was for me, then find a place you do find God here and now and pursue that. If your religion is helping, by all means stick with that and maybe augment it some if you feel that is wise or prudent.  

Above all, be honest with yourself.  By this I mean listen to what is coming from deep down inside yourself and have the courage to follow it.  You cannot do it alone though.  Find a person or group that is not threatened by what you may find.  This is harder than it may first seem.  For most religions common beliefs are what hold them together, and it feels like a wide open search is off limits or against the rules.  This is somewhat true, but most permit real exploration or at least you can find a person or two that will allow it.  Of course depending upon what you find deep down within yourself, you may have to move on to be true to yourself.  Actually, this is also the only way to be true to God.  

Hopefully, you will not have to get as desperate as I did.  I remember vividly being pissed off that I had a child because it meant suicide was not an option.  I was in bad enough shape that I could convince myself that everyone else in my life would end up being better off without me, and I did not want to be here anymore.  But I could not convince myself that my son would ever get over it, and I could not do that to him.  At the same time I was completely convinced that whether I was clean and sober for many years or numbing out with drugs and alcohol that I was going to keep screwing up and hurting those I cared about, which then meant I could not live with myself.*  

That is what it took for me to be willing to try the desperate Hail Mary of being true to myself and following what I found deep down within myself.  At the time I was our church's leader for faith forming relationships, and about a year into a self imposed discernment period before planning to go to seminary and become a pastor.  I knew that my favorite thing and the thing I wanted and needed most was to spend time with myself and others in the places that we connect to each other and God.  So being a pastor seemed like the thing for me.  However, after a year of talking to a lot of people about it and trying to find the denomination I might fit into, or at least not feel like I was fighting myself to fit in or fighting others to adopt my beliefs, I realized this was not possible for me.

I needed to be free to follow whatever I found deep within myself and share that with others, whether that was consistent or inconsistent with accepted doctrine for a particular denomination or religion.  Time spent trying to fit myself into any particular beliefs was rejecting the best evidence I had of what God had made and was, which was me and my connections to him.  Time spent trying to get others to adopt my views or beliefs was rejecting that sacred place in them where those beliefs reside, as well as in a round about way the same place within me.  Most people never do the wide open search because they are deathly afraid of what they will find out, basically that they are just rotten at the core or that God is not really a God of love or because it threatens their important relationships.  The first 2 are never true, unless the person is unable to continue and has to turn back.  The 3rd can be, and it is almost impossible without some support and friends who you feel will be with you no matter what you find.  

Fortunately, I have found that if I am connecting to that place within myself that connects with things beyond myself, I am connecting to God.  I have even found that I am connecting to the eternal because I am connecting to everything that has shaped me or my world from the past and everything my actions have even the tiniest influence on in the future.  Most people seem to prefer God to be a little more mysterious than this.  I do not have a big preference other than I like and need to experience my Creator and Provider.  To do that I have to realize God is everywhere, ready and willing to be experienced.  Then, I have to remove the things within me that block me from being ready, willing, and able to experience that Great Reality that is God.  

*Of course the main reason that this deep visceral belief, that I would keep screwing up and hurting those I cared about, was true was because I had the visceral belief in the first place.  I had seemingly always had it and desperately tried all sorts of things to get rid of it or suppress it.  To get rid of it I had most commonly tried worldly success and material things, but also religions, therapy, etc.  To suppress it I had tried alcohol, drugs, food, diet, exercise, and various distraction techniques.

Often these things did a good enough job that the visceral belief and associated feelings were primarily just a nagging emptiness and unease, that kept me a little depressed and constantly some degree of overwhelmed.  However, at times of perceived failure, whether real or not and whether major or not, the visceral belief and associated feelings would become completely overwhelming and cripple-ling, basically major depression. 

God - The Greatest Whole

This is a writing of mine from a couple years ago from a blog of mine called, Obnoxious Psychobabble and Blasphemy.  I have not done much with that blog recently and do not plan to do much with it in the near future and therefore thought it might be good to bring a few of my favorite things from it to this blog.  My observations and understanding of those observations have probably evolved a little from when I wrote it.  

Most of my answers, both as my life has been changing for the better as well as looking back trying to understand what has happened, have come to me in what I would consider to be meditation. As such they come as something like spontaneous insights or revelations. I would now like to share some of the most significant ones and what I think they mean.

I do this in the spirit of the last post, believing that there are many valid angles from which we get glimpses of God, and one of them does not necessarily negate another. I do not believe what I share is inconsistent with Christianity or what I understand of native american spirituality, Buddhism, or Hinduism.  I do not know enough about any other religions to even consider if what I will share is consistent with them.

The biggest revelation I have received is that God is everything put together, the sum total of everything. God is The Entirety. God is the Greatest Whole. We and everything else in the universe are small parts of this Entirety that is God.  This means that my connections to my surroundings (whether they be to people or otherwise) are in some small way a connection to God, that the best I (we) can experience God is in the connections, and that the part of ourselves that connects to others is at the same time connecting to God. 

A related revelation that somewhat seemed to grow out of the, God is the Entirety, revelation, is that I am a unique and wonderful part of this Entirety that is God, and that you are a unique and wonderful part of this Entirety that is God.  All we have to do is stop fighting it and claim our spot in the Kingdom or Entirety that is God.  This goes back to what I previous discussed with one of our greatest felt needs being to feel connected to and a valuable part of a greater whole.  Again, the fact of the matter is that we already are connected to and a valuable part of the Greatest Whole, which is God.  We just have to realize this and then develop and use methods to allow us to experience this great fact.  (Those methods are something I will spend a lot of time on later.)

Another related revelation was that evolution is God's plan.  Basically the revelation came to me something like, "Stop trying to figure out if I (God) messed up in creating you and the world or if humans messed up in the Garden of Eden or otherwise.  Nobody messed up, things are exactly the way they are supposed to be and your key to understanding that is evolution."  I must say it took me a while, maybe 1-2 years, for further insights to clarify what this meant.  I never really doubted it because of how clearly it initially came but it took a lot of pondering in meditation and struggling with other issues before it became more clear.  

One of the main issues that still needed sorting out in order to find clarity with the, evolution is God's plan, revelation, was the idea of a personal God that cared about my wants and needs and happiness.  For quite a while I think needing to hold onto the idea that I had a personal God that cared specifically about me, kept me from being able to see clearly.  Most of my insights or revelations bring a sense of relief and comfort immediately, but when I received the revelation that God did not care about my needs or wants separate from what was good or best for the Whole or Entirety, I was unsettled and thought I must be misunderstanding something.  

However, as I struggled along in the haze of uncertainty and thinking I did not want what I was being told, things started to coalesce from different points to make sense of it all and help me realize it is what I wanted all along. You see wanting a personal God that cares about my wants and needs separate from what is good for the Whole is childish or immature. That would mean God favored some people over others, which when I really boiled things down would mean God was a jerk, careless and cruel to a lot of people. How could I call that God a God of love. Believing in such a personal God is childish or immature because it either means I have not really thought through what it means (immature) or I want different rules for myself compared to others (childish).  Wanting or trying to have a God that favored me over others was actually the opposite of what God was really about.

This was happening about the same time that I realized that what I most wanted was to feel connected to and a valuable part of a greater whole. I did not need to be extra special or get extra special treatment, what I most wanted and needed was to know I was a unique, valued, and wonderful part of the Greatest Whole.

Another part of this revelation was basically me asking, what about all these religions that seemed to think you favor them because they have things correct?  The answer I received was something like:

each does have a lot correct in their ways to connect with Me, experience Me, and from this be good and caring towards each other and the Greater Whole, but do you really think I am so shallow or petty that I care what name they call Me by?  When Jesus said the only way to the Father is through Me, He meant through His Message of self sacrifice for the greater good, and through all of the Law that basically boils down to being good and caring towards each other.  He did not mean you had to know a special code word or secret word, his name.  

With this resolved I think I was finally able to start to see the wisdom behind the, evolution is God's plan, revelation.  Evolution is the perfect plan for the Whole and is probably the only plan that allows everything to work for the benefit of the Whole without constant manipulation or tinkering by God.  And again, any tinkering or manipulation of the system by God, would ultimately be God playing favorites, and therefore God acting careless and cruel towards a lot of people, as he favored some over others.

Evolution is a rough plan for a lot of the individuals in the system, whether human or another species, but it makes sure that ultimately everything is used for the good of the Whole and creates a magnificent Whole.  And when an individual aligns themselves with the Whole, they experience a sense of freedom, peace, and well being they could not even imagine beforehand.  It truly is unbelievable.  This is basically what all religions teach at their core, that selflessness is the way to what we are all looking for.

So why are we given selfishness if the goal is selflessness.  We are given selfishness because that is what is good for the Whole.  This is the great paradox of what evolution as God's plan teaches.  I consider selfishness plus our cognitive mind* to be the curse of humankind, but it is only a curse as long as we do not understand the paradox.  Selfishness pushes ourselves and others to be productive and work for the greater good, whether we are trying to work for the greater good or not.  Yet the only way we ever get to feel the way we want to feel is when we settle into selflessness.  That is why it is the perfect system, everything works for the greater good or the good of the Whole, but we only get to experience and feel what we really want and desperately crave when we align ourselves and act generously and graciously.

Acting selfishly becomes fools gold from our own individualistic perspective.  It makes it look like we are achieving what we want, but we do not actually experience what we want.  Even acting selflessly because we want to feel better only works a little.  The only thing that really works is truly wanting what is best for the Whole more than something specifically for us.  It takes a lot of work and quite a bit of grace or luck to even start to get there.  I would guess I might be about 5% there on good days, and yet as I keep saying, whatever percent I am at has helped change my life much more for the better than I ever even dreamed was possible.

That and feeling that the whole me, good and bad, is connected to and a valuable part of greater wholes and the Greatest Whole.  This is where most of the freedom, peace of mind, and sense of well being has come from, but it naturally leads to at least a little less selfishness, and makes possible a great deal more selflessness, which can snowball in a good way if I allow it.

There is a lot more that could be said and I will certainly come back to these revelations and thoughts throughout my writings.  For now I would like to leave you with the challenge to help each other believe and then claim our spots as unique and wonderful parts of this Greatest Whole.  We do that by embracing reality, the messiness it involves, and realizing we find connections and the Great Reality in the messiness.  We do that by allowing others to explore with us; themselves, their beliefs, feelings, yearnings, etc, without being threatened by them and telling the other person in some way that what they are finding is unacceptable.

I hope most of what follows from me involves ways to remove the things that block us from realizing our spot in the Greatest Whole or feeling connected to and a valuable part of a greater whole and the Greatest Whole.  Of course the most common of those ways are prayer and meditation.  Please do not think I am suggesting that those are not helpful because God does not play favorites.  We are all connected, whether we see it or believe it or not.  We all have a part of us that connects to others and things beyond ourselves, and making those connections with prayer and meditation does lead to real changes in us and beyond us.

 *Defined previously

Framework for Everything, part 2

Before I start I’ll offer a disclaimer of sorts.  I use a lot of Christian language and concepts in this writing.  I did not set out to do this, but found myself drawn to doing so.  This is probably because religions have been a main field exploring the concepts I discuss.  I have no idea if I am a Christian and actually do not think determining that is at all important.  I am sure God does not care a bit what I call him in my particular brand of human language.  God cares about how well I connect to and follow (or at least how hard and how consistently I try to connect to and follow) the deepest and most benevolent parts of me, where God communicates truth, which is a good description and measure of my amount of faith. 

I’ll start with a couple sentences from a previous post, which I did not develop much.  I have no idea if God is anything intelligent or independent from the entirety, but I do know that viewing God as simply the Entirety turns out to be every bit as magnificent as any religion’s conception of God.  Most importantly, when viewed as the Entirety the best parts of each religion and even humanism or various forms of atheism point to the same things.  Now I am not expecting to convince many people of this, but my hope is that if people truly consider these views they might be able to use them as a framework to see new similarities with others who at first glance seem to believe very different things.

The basis for all religions and spirituality is the accurate deep sense that everything and each one of us is a part of a larger whole, that I call The Entirety.  In other words this accurate deep sense is what each religion has been founded upon.  Unfortunately, each religion often views the larger whole as something smaller than The Entirety, even while in various ways also proclaiming God is everything. 

Defining the larger whole as only their own group of people or people who believe or follow that religion is a great example of what I was discussing in my prior post with our thinking minds seeing separateness and distinctions and using those to try to gain selfish advantages for ourselves or our group.  And in doing so suppressing the accurate deep sense upon which the religion was created.  The accurate deep sense I keep alluding to comes from our deepest selves, which knows we are all one and part of the same Entirety, and that everyone and everything deserves respect and care. 

If I have not offended anyone reading enough to get them to stop yet, I guess I’ll go for the jugular.  We have to give up the idea of a God that intervenes in earthly affairs.  This idea is a fabrication of our thinking minds and probably as much as anything else keeps us from really finding and experiencing God.  It is based upon wanting to gain favor and advantages apart from or more so than others and thus strengthens the separateness rather than unites us with our surroundings and thus God.  There are lots of beliefs and actions that do this same thing, but this one is especially harmful because this misunderstanding regarding our relationship with God keeps us from the antidote, a correct understanding of our relationship with God. 

Before going further I should make it clear that I am not saying that God does not transform us personally and through this transformation change everything about our existence.  The clear verdict for thousands of years as consistently told by those who have been transformed by spiritual experiences, practices, and their resulting revelations, is that God was always there ready, waiting, and wanting to be discovered to transform that individual and through that individual transformation change the world.  This really does occur and is what everyone most deeply want and what I so feebly am trying to share. 

So when I say that God does not intervene, I do not mean that God cannot touch us, transform us, and fulfill our greatest and deepest wants and needs.  Rather I mean that God does not change our external circumstances or reality.  Instead, when we discover what was always there deep down that connects to everything else we find meaning, strength, courage, and faith in our external circumstances, which alters our view of them and infused with the new meaning and strength our challenging circumstances become opportunities to live out and therefore in the Kingdom of God

Since something like the above is how spiritual growth and transformation actually occurs, and wanting and asking God to intervene and change our external circumstances is almost always a way to avoid the scariest process that exists - surrendering to our present internal and external reality without knowing if you will find God is at the bottom of it all.  This is why having or developing faith is the key to success.  Love and suffering can move us towards surrendering to this scary depth, but only faith can complete this most important journey.  

I will hopefully one day spend most of my time discussing how to find God at the bottom of it all, internally and externally, but first I would like to continue smashing the belief in a god that intervenes in earthly affairs.  A god that intervenes in earthly affairs would be nothing short of completely wicked.  We have a hundred thousands or more underage kids involved in prostitution in the United States, let alone the atrocities occurring worldwide.  Really think about even one of those children regularly raped by adults, let alone a hundred thousand.  A god that intervenes in my struggles and allows the atrocities that are common in this world is nothing short of completely wicked. 

Furthermore, if I am praying for favors or advantages or things to happen in a way that is desirable to me, rather than for those children repeatedly raped by adults, I do not have a religion or spirituality or faith worth sharing.  To be honest I still do sometimes, but I normally catch myself and realize I am being a fool or a jerk, mostly a fool.

I remember when this first occurred to me.  I was grouse hunting with my brother and we had been discussing spiritual things a fair amount.  I am a terrible shot so most grouse are safe around me.  I had a 6 month old hunting dog, Gus, and really wanted to get a bird to get Gus to start to figure out what we were trying to do.  I hit one that Gus flushed on a shot I make probably only a few times out of a hundred.  So I said to my brother, “I guess God was looking out for me there” and then immediately realized I hope there is not a God that intervenes, because that god would be an awful god. 

One of the common theological responses to the question of why a God that intervenes allows such atrocities and suffering and some to suffer so severely and unfairly is that we cannot know God's ways.  Some of this is no doubt true, but if you really believe this there is no point reading the bible or doing spiritual practices.  The main reason for suffering (our own or others) is to touch us at a deep level and spur contemplation/meditation/prayer and then action from that deep level.  In fact this is the very process that integrates us individually and unifies us collectively.  

I’ll discuss how and why that process works to integrate or unify us individually and collectively later in this writing.  When we understand that we will see how what we call suffering is actually a gift from God when embraced for its intended purpose and only what we think of as suffering when we try desperately and always in vain to avoid it.  Very briefly what I mean by integration is allowing our deepest selves and its deepest drives, desires, and needs to come to the surface and integrate them into our daily life with the help of our thinking mind and various guides.  As far as I know it is originally a Carl Jung term and I think my meaning is similar to his.  My understanding of most protestant theology is that it says these deepest drives, desires, and needs are basically the problem and can never be integrated, and life for its part often seems to support this.  Fortunately, integration is possible and the process of integration, along with the results, is where everything we have all been looking for is found. 

Another theological response to why a God that intervenes would allow such atrocities and suffering is that God takes care of it with the afterlife and this is much longer and more important than this earthly life, so it more than evens out.  Doesn’t it seem suspiciously convenient for religions and the people at the top of religions to come up with an afterlife as one of the main solutions to inequality and various types of suffering so that they do not have to actually do the honorable and often inconvenient and uncomfortable things to try to address those things here and now?  About the only people Jesus was critical of was the people at the top of religions who focused on rituals and correct theories of belief, rather than get their hands dirty and serve or work to correct injustice and inequality. 

No one knows if there is an afterlife or what that afterlife might look like.  Rather than guess, I will again focus on what is knowable and how that is sufficient to fulfill our accurate deep sense that our actions have eternal consequences (and what Jesus said about an afterlife).  Beyond dispute, the past and the actions of people in the past have created the present and what we do in the present creates the future.  Our loved ones helped shape us and our world and in this way they very much live on in us and our world and then beyond us as their actions that shaped us influence our actions, which in turn influence the actions of others. 

A common and accurate understanding of heaven is being forever united with God and of course the opposite is true for hell, being permanently separated from God.  This understanding, along with how what we create and how we touch this earthly life in various ways, is actually sufficient to explain our accurate deep sense that how we live this life has eternal consequences and most of what Jesus or scriptures say of the subject.  However, this is not the time to go into a great deal of details. 

I would imagine this conception of an afterlife does not seem glamorous enough, comforting enough, or maybe meaningful enough to many since each of us are such a small part of The Entirety, which as we can see here includes eternity in both directions.  However, once you EXPERIENCE knowing you are an important (albeit tiny) part of this Entirety, it is actually what is indescribably AWEsome and wonderful that we are all trying to find.  As St. Augustine said, “our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.”  Being an extremely tiny but real and definite part of Something (The Entirety) infinitely amazing and good is itself infinitely amazing and good, and as such indescribable. 

I should probably hold my tongue and not go further, but I am not good at doing that so I will briefly continue by noting that I cannot believe people have bought into this Santa Claus for adults business with God giving heaven (instead of presents) or hell (instead of coal) based upon if we were good enough. 

Examples abound of the people at the top of religions obfuscating the religion’s core message, often without any intention of doing so.  Fr Richard Rohr often talks about how it gives clergy a job when we stay broken/divided/lost and so there is an inclination for clergy to keep us that way and emphasize that.  In most instances of this I do not think the clergy have any intent to mislead.  Rather it is another great example of our thinking minds creating power structures that blind us as we try to stay at the top of the power structure and avoid vulnerability. 

There is no way for the clergy to realize it is happening unless life and suffering forces them to at some point go through an integrating process.  If they are successful at integrating the different parts of themselves they then mostly stop focusing on the problem (being lost/broken/divided) and start focusing on integrating or unifying because that is the solution we are all looking for that is wonderful beyond description.  Once you have experienced it there is nothing else worth focusing on.  However, until anyone, including clergy, find some success integrating themselves and reaching a true communion with everything else, they are generally fixated on brokenness or how lost or separated we all are. 

Clergy (like everyone) often do not want to go through the very humbling, difficult and scary process of integration and if they realized and admitted that is what religion and psychology is really all about they would also probably realize they often are not as integrated themselves in certain areas as many they are charged with leading on this process.  So again the thinking mind and power structures it creates comes in to give them an alternative (dogma and theories of beliefs) which is not really helpful for anyone except it allows them to keep their position and authority and not have to go through the integration process.

Unfortunately, it leaves them primarily with only our being lost or broken to focus on, and the mental gymnastics of a convoluted theology and dogma to try to rationalize this represents Christ, when the truth is the symbolic Buddha or symbolic Christ that is fully human and fully divine represents being completely integrated or whole and thus fully in communion with everything else at all times. 

I am probably picking on clergy too much with all this.  I do not think clergy are any worse (or better) than any of the rest of us.  We all go through the same thing with our own mental gymnastics trying to avoid the process of integrating the different parts of ourselves while reconciling this with The Entirety. 

The last objection I will discuss to a God that does not intervene is that Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.”  I do not think Jesus was talking about asking for material success and again God playing Santa.  Rather Jesus was likely talking being united with God, being comforted by God, feeling like our actions and even our suffering have meaning, feeling embraced by God, etc.  And it turns out that these things quickly become true when we pray or ask God from the deepest parts of ourselves.  Along these lines, Alcoholics Anonymous suggests its members pray for the knowledge of God’s will for them and the power to carry that out, and this will always be provided if truly sought.

Since I am defining integration as the process of allowing our deepest self to rise to the surface and be part of our consciousness and thus integrated into our daily life, I ought to try to define our deepest self.  Our deepest self, like many of the things I discuss, cannot be defined precisely, but by trying to describe it from various angles its meaning can be conveyed fairly well.  Our deepest self is where our deepest drives, desires, and needs come from.  It is not the drives, desires, and needs themselves but they originate from our deepest self.  It is the part of us that accurately feels connected to things beyond ourself, whether that is people, nature and animals, a hobby, a vocation, etc. 

Our deepest self is the part of ourselves that knows each of us (and everyone else) is a valuable and connected part of everything else, and therefore that the golden rule and other spiritual teachings are the truth.  So it is the part of us that knows that everyone and everything deserves respect and care.  It is the deep sense where all religions and spirituality originate. 

Being a tiny but valuable and connected part of The Entirety our deepest drives, desires, and needs originating from our deepest self all have to do with fulfilling this destiny.  However, when things are going fairly smoothly (really about anything short of calamity or great suffering) we are generally like the rich guy Jesus talks about being unlikely to get to heaven (united with God).  The rich guy sees no reason or usefulness in humbling himself, searching deeply within himself where he feels vulnerable and needy, or looking out for the less fortunate, except to keep the less fortunate from getting too riled up against him. 

This seems lucky for the rich man but it is ultimately a lonely journey, even if surrounded by lots of adoring or friendly people, and in vain or without purpose.  So it is an empty existence and really not so lucky.  It almost always takes some level of suffering to get anyone to go deeper to look for meaning and find reasons and ways to unite with God.  So generally the rich man (and if you are middle class in the United States you probably fit into this rich man category) comes up with convoluted theories of beliefs that they say they subscribe to. 

Of course they earnestly think this is what believing in God means, but in reality it is nothing more than trying to formulate a good theory of God.  It is not believing in anything.  If they are like me they are trying to perfect the theory and then get everyone else on board with it and then they think they intend to live it. 

The only way to know what I actually believe is to see what my actions tell me I believe.  I can (and do) try all sorts of mental gymnastics to try to convince myself otherwise but the fact of the matter will always be that I act based upon my predominant beliefs at any given time.  That is a hard thing to admit because my actions very frequently tell me these predominant beliefs of mine are nothing to be proud of.  Very frequently I am acting out of fear and trying to avoid feeling vulnerable, needy and possibly getting hurt. 

Generally, it is only when our conscious suffering becomes greater than our fear that we start to admit anything and go just as deep as we think we can get away with.  So the suffering is what pushes us to initially dig deeper.  Then if we are lucky and have good guides (spiritual writings, spiritual mentors including clergy, etc) and lots of courage we realize that it is at these deepest levels within us that we unite with God, connect with things beyond ourselves, and thus find our destiny and ever changing fit into The Entirety. 

If we start to trust in this process of going into our deepest drives, desires, and needs and where they connect with everything else and thus unite with God (The Entirety) we will be developing faith, which is trusting and knowing the path of our deepest self is actually the only path forward.  Every other path is simply a detour.  If our faith became complete we would be in complete union with everything else such that any harm or suffering we experienced would be harm or suffering we were relieving from other parts of this union.  Ours would be glory because gladly accepting this harm or suffering transforms it with such meaning as to turn it into glory, which is the meaning of Christ on the cross. 

And in that Jesus turns the world suffering into glory on the cross whether or not he physically resurrected.  Our insistence on a physical resurrection is part of our human need to win and has nothing to do with Jesus being fully united with God and fully showing the Path to God.  I am not suggesting any of us is likely to get there or that we are even supposed to get there, but that is the end of the Path.  Fortunately, we do not have to get there (at least before death) because the journey, which we all take, is our destiny. 

We’ll move on to discuss the journey soon, but first I’ll discuss how the suffering of others can have meaning.  Broadly there are probably 2 categories of these.  First, the ones we (humans) do not create like natural disasters and childhood cancer.  I am not suggesting these things are not tragic, but I am suggesting that when the suffering causes people to come together to assist and comfort each other the suffering can be transformed into the Power, Love, and Unity we all associate correctly with God.  This is why people often say everything happens for a reason, even about tragic events with great suffering.  I do not personally like that saying because it implies God intervened to make it happen for a reason.  However, it is definitely true that until we are 6 feet under any tragedy and the suffering associated with it has the potential to be transformed into something much more powerful and positive than the amount of suffering is negative. 

The second category are those we do create, like children repeatedly raped by adults.  Everything written about the first category applies here also.  Additionally there is the opportunity for those not directly involved to be roused from their deepest self that can no longer tolerate knowing this suffering is occurring and join together with others to demand action be taken to eliminate such atrocities.  It is really a sad commentary on humans in general that the suffering of these hundred thousand children repeatedly raped or other atrocities  are not enough yet to make us join together and demand they be stopped.  And it is even sadder that we have developed theologies that allow us to convince ourselves it is not our responsibility to demand an end to it or otherwise get involved. 

I do not know how bad it will have to get to make us willing to accept the discomfort and inconvenience to demand significant change but at some point we will.  I cannot say I am sure at that time all the suffering that has been inflicted and endured will be transformed to a net benefit by the Power, Love, and Unity unleashed.  However, over time if the process of demanding changes bonds enough people together who continue to exercise Faith by demanding everyone and everything be treated with the respect and care they deserve, then all this suffering will be transformed into the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is nothing more than people bonded together by their commitment to embrace our collective deepest selves and demand the weakest and most vulnerable and needy be treated with the same respect and care as anyone else.  And we do that by teaching ways to find, integrate, and then live from our deepest self. 

So now lets talk about the journey of finding, integrating and living from our deepest self, and we probably ought to start by remembering some of the things that point us towards our deepest self.  Our deepest self is where our deepest drives, desires, and needs originate.  It is where we accurately feel connected to things beyond ourselves, and the part of us that knows everyone and everything is a valuable and connected part of the Entirety and thus deserves respect and care. 

First we’ll look at finding our deepest self.  The easiest way to find your deepest self is to think about something that is extremely meaningful to you.  The part of yourself feeling that meaningfulness is your deepest self.  Another way is to focus on whatever you feel most connected to in a positive way.  This could be a child, spouse, dog, place, etc.  The part of you feeling connected to whatever you choose is your deepest self.  To be clear, the feeling of meaningfulness or connectedness is not your deepest self but the part of yourself feeling those things is your deepest self

Once you find the place that is feeling the meaningfulness and/or connectedness, spend 5 minutes twice a day in quiet meditation with that place for a month or so.  Do not look for answers at this time or do anything other than do your best at spending time with it.  If it makes observations about areas of your life, you can briefly note them, but do not follow where they lead and let your mind take over following them.  And when this inevitably still happens do not fight it or give yourself a hard time about it or worry about it, just gently go back to the part of yourself that feels the meaningfulness or connectedness. 

In the beginning I would suggest not focusing on your deepest drives, desires, and needs, unless you have a mentor capable of helping you.  This route often makes us feel very vulnerable and needy.  These things have often been so successfully shamed/shunned/avoided by ourselves and others, that trying to use them to find and connect to our deepest self before we have learned to trust this part of ourselves has a good chance of being counterproductive.

Integrating and learning to live from our deepest selves is obviously a life long process.  Virtually all spiritual practices and types of psychotherapy are at least potentially integrating.  I have my own that I discussed previously and is one of the most direct routes, but you should choose whatever you are initially most confident with and then if something else seems like a good idea later, give that a try.  For now I will discuss a few and how to approach them for maximum benefit. 

With any of them start with spending a couple minutes finding your deepest self and asking it to join you for the integrating exercise.  Our goal with integration is to allow our deepest self to rise to the surface and become integrated into our consciousness or awareness so that we are then free to choose how we want to act rather than be coerced by hidden drives and needs we are not aware of, which is the norm even though few realize that or admit it. 

In order for our deepest self to enter our awareness or consciousness, our deepest self and thinking minds must eventually become partners that respect one another and their individual roles.  Over time if successful they will grow to cherish one another as the remarkable parts they each are.  In the beginning though they will need to be constantly reminded to respect each other and their individual roles. 

The deepest self’s role is primarily to pick parts of the integrating methods that resonate with it and then work with the thinking mind to help the thinking mind understand and articulate why it resonates and how to live in a way that is consistent with what our deepest self is feeling and also fits into and hopefully serves The Entirety.  The thinking minds role is to interpret and translate what our deepest self knows.  Problems normally arise when the thinking mind tries to go beyond its role of interpreting and translating to figuring out because normally what it is trying to figure out is how to proceed without the inherent vulnerability of the deepest self. 

The most common integrating exercise is prayer.  As mentioned previously, praying for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out in whatever words and methods seem best, is the type of prayer that is often quickly answered if we have the courage or faith to accept and follow what our deepest self receives as the answer to this type of prayer.  The answer often seems inconvenient and uncomfortable before following it.  After follow it we often realize it was simply our destiny that we have been too fearful to embrace. 

Another popular integrating method is reading scripture or other spiritual writings.  Generally, these writings originated from someone else’s deepest self and they often resonate strongly with our own.  When something does resonate with our deepest self, we can do one of two productive things.  The first is to try to just be with our deepest self and the truth being recognized by our deepest self for a few minutes. 

The other if we want to go deeper is our thinking mind can ask our deepest self what truth is being evoked and work with our deepest self to try to articulate it.  Our deepest self will let us know when we have accurately articulated it.  If we want to go still further our thinking mind can ask our deepest self how we can apply the truth to an area of our life.  Again, after asking our thinking mind should only be interpreting and translating what our deepest mind is trying to convey and when our thinking minds get it right our deepest self will let us know by relaxing because it knows at that point it has been understood and will no longer need to be suppressed in that area of our life. 

It is always best to be sharing the insights we think we are getting with a trusted friend or mentor and often this is indispensable.  This should not be anyone whose life will be thrown into turmoil if yours falls apart.  I am not saying your life will fall apart but if the person is someone very close to you, like a spouse or close relative, it will inhibit your ability to search without reservations.  If you make the unwise decision to go it alone, test any insights you think you may be getting by asking if they help you fit into a greater (than yourself) whole and in some way serve that greater whole. 

The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is a collection of spiritual practices that are specifically designed for integration and probably do as well as anything and better than most of consistently producing great results.  If you are really desperate and might be willing to go to such lengths I highly recommend the 12 steps.  However, even most people who know they are desperate are unwilling to diligently do the 12 steps, and it is better to be honest and start with what we are actually willing to do.  Often doing what we are initially willing to do is enough to move us towards more willingness for more rigorous practices later.

One of my favorite methods of integration is to spend a few minutes finding and then spending a little time with my deepest self.  Then I will think of one or more activities I know that I will be doing later in the day, and see what wisdom my deepest self would like to teach me about how best to do that activity.  As always my thinking mind will help by interpreting and translating the wisdom from my deepest self.  Unfortunately, my thinking mind generally tries to figure out a way to do the activity without my deepest self being involved, but with time learns to respect and eventually cherish the wisdom from my deepest self. 

Those are some of the more popular and more effective religious or spiritual practices.  However, it does not have to be something we think of as religious or spiritual that helps us to integrate our deepest self.  Music, art, and dance are all powerful and tried and true methods to evoke and spend time with our deepest self and thus bring it to the surface and start to live from it. 

Hunting, fishing, bird watching, or any number of activities out in nature can powerfully evoke our deepest self and its connection to everything else.  Recently, I am a river nut, meaning rivers are the most spiritual place on earth for me at the moment.  When I am paddling or cruising a river in a canoe or on a Sea-doo, I sometimes (not always) get downright intensely euphoric as my deepest self comes close to the surface and joins my surroundings.  I realize I am a tiny but definite, connected and valuable part of The Entirety, which is infinitely amazing.  And even being that tiny part is near infinitely amazing. 

I get that way sometimes when I write.  When it happens when I am writing it always worries me that it is because I am getting arrogant or full of myself and a few times that has been the case.  Most of the time though it has nothing to do with me as a separate being.  What is causing my euphoria is basking in and however inadequately trying to share the AWEsomeness of the Thing and Its Ways that I am a tiny part of and at that moment getting to experience. 

I get that way with sex sometimes or even more often with just laying up against my wife of 17 years, and I used to wish with everything I had that she would not touch me in bed and felt violated if she did, even though she had never treated me poorly.  In fact I do not think anyone ever treated me inappropriately or badly physically, and years of therapy trying to become more comfortable with intimacy had been mostly unsuccessful. 

I get that way with music sometimes.  I get that way when another human being and I are sharing deeply with each other trying to discern the Ways of our Creator and how to align ourselves with Those Ways. 

And I am one who was painfully alone and unhappy most of my life until I discovered alcohol.  I had a few pretty good years with alcohol and then became even more unhappy and hopeless.  This was followed by about 10 years of mostly successful but tough recovery before stumbling upon some really good solutions.  Most of the last 5 years I have felt like one of the luckier people on earth, but of course still have some ups and downs.  But enough about me for now. 

Getting back to integrating methods, sex and human contact, both physical contact and emotional/spiritual contact, are ways to integrate.  Another one, which I struggle with greatly, is eating, but it holds great promise and historically might be a leading way.  After all that is one of the reasons people say grace, before ingesting another part of The Entirety.  Types of breathing meditation are similar to ingesting food in that we are inhaling a life creating and sustaining substance that is another part of The Entirety. 

I am not going to go into much detail in this writing on connecting with our deepest self through our deepest drives, desires and needs, but will in the future.  For now I’ll discuss the contours a little.  As I keep going back to, our deepest self knows we are a tiny but important part of it all and an important part of lots of other greater wholes (short of The Entirety), like our family and when we get older our friends, workplace, faith community, etc.  So our deepest drives, desires, and needs all have to do with being a connected and valuable part of greater wholes and ultimately, The Entirety. 

However, the families we grow up in and the various other greater wholes we are a part of are generally so corrupted by the power structures created by our thinking minds as discussed in a previous post, that there is no route to being a connected and valuable part of that greater whole without our deepest self feeling exploited.  This is because the power structures created by our thinking minds are kept in place by shaming, teasing, shunning, etc, our deepest selves.  That is generally how the hierarchy is maintained and people at the lower rungs are kept in check, and any of us by ourselves is generally too weak to stop it.  This is where the wise saying that we must speak truth to power comes from.  Sometimes when someone does speak this truth to power they are crushed and sometimes others rally around the truth and fundamental change happens. 

I am convinced that this is what Jesus was talking about when he said we must be born again and not of this world.  Being of this world in this sense is being aligned or resigned to the power structures that rule this world.  Being born again is being aligned with our deepest self that knows everyone and everything deserves respect and care aka the one law that Jesus said everything boiled down to.  Having faith means to live, to the best of our ability, in alignment with This Path laid down by Jesus and known by our deepest self.  Having faith has nothing to do with what theory of God we tell ourselves we subscribe to.  Now it is also true that we do not know another’s struggles and they might be acting with great faith and their actions still might not be that great because of the tremendous struggle.  At the same time if faith is not changing the way I live to be more integrated and compassionate and looking out for the least and the weakest, then it is not faith. 

Since our world is generally still run by these power structures that are held together by shaming and shunning our deepest selves, we should not attempt to find and integrate our deepest self through our deepest drives, desires, and needs until we have a faith community, mentors, and guides that are strong enough to help us withstand possible push back from the power structures.  Unfortunately, most faith communities are also heavily influences by the same power structures and we have to choose our mentors and close friends wisely.

Our deepest self and faith in its path is like Jesus’ mustard seed or yeast where it starts out tiny and hardly noticeable, but if nurtured will grow to something huge that greatly permeates its surroundings.  And when people form groups or communities committed to respecting everyone and everything you have the Kingdom of God, which is no longer ruled by the power structures held together by shaming and shunning the weakest, neediest, and most vulnerable. 

Unfortunately, these communities are often either later corrupted by the power structures or they are too soft and overrun by other groups built upon the power structures.  Again this is not the time to go into details, but the solution to being soft is that even the Kingdom of God must embrace struggles and suffering within individuals and between people and groups.  Traditionally groups of people who have formed that respect everyone and everything and look out for the neediest, weakest, and most vulnerable admirably focus so much on reducing suffering that they lose sight of the value of that suffering in transforming us individually and as groups.  Put another way they tend to believe that only love is necessary for transformation and if people are shown love and given a chance to have a viable path forward choosing love that they will do that.  This might be occasionally true but most of the time it takes suffering to at least near the point of hopelessness and the option of love to actually choose love and the path of the deepest self. 

I am certainly not saying here that we should seek to suffer or seek misery or try to suffer. What I am saying is that life has a lot of suffering to it and facing that while looking for strength beyond ourselves is generally how we find and unite with our deepest parts and through our deepest parts, others and God.  So when we seek to alleviate suffering, our own or others’, we need to keep this in mind and not short circuit the divine process by preventing or reducing the suffering in unsustainable ways, ways that deny the reality of the situation.  Our attempts to avoid the inherent suffering or discomfort of reality causes much of the avoidable suffering in life, and just postpones the inevitable inherent suffering. 

And remember when embraced and used to unite with others and/or God, the suffering turns into glory and is not really suffering at all.  The struggles and suffering are the fuel that drives individual transformation and the fuel that brings people together and holds them together for Godly pursuits, which is nothing short of glory. 

Part of this embracing suffering and struggles is also embracing consistent fair and transparent competition.  Competition is only bad when the playing field is rigged to begin with or the loser is treated poorly or not given the opportunity to improve and continue to compete at a still fair competition.  Unfortunately, the power structures’ worldly ways generally consist of using the victory to rig any future competition in the victors favor.  We have to remember that struggles and suffering are often what bring us together with each other and God to begin with, as well as being the fuel that can keep us connected to both, and competition is often a part of this process.  Thinking we can or should get rid of struggles, suffering, and competition is a fairly tale and simply not reality.  Fortunately, if we ever get pushed far enough to choose embracing reality and the suffering inherent in it we find the glory unleashed makes a comfortable and boring life without these struggles and suffering seem like not really living at all.

I will confess here that I have wasted most of my life thus far trying to find a way to avoid the inherent and inevitable suffering in life and only after being left with no other viable option have I “chosen” to directly face some of it.  At this point I have generally found that the fear and avoidance of the suffering was itself most of the suffering because once I directly faced it, I was united with power beyond my beliefs.  What I thought was going to be suffering turned out to be simply a bridge to wholeness, freedom, meaning, and fulfillment.  This has happened in really profound ways to me at least 10 times and hundreds of times in smaller ways and yet the crazy thing is I still often avoid it.  Fortunately, I do not have to get very uncomfortable before I remember this is the answer today. 

The solution to the power structures infiltrating the community is that the community should not have any power to wield or covet.  The community should be based upon helping people integrate and follow their own path and helping the weakest, neediest, and most vulnerable.  It should not have any power to demand or influence things other than encourage people to humbly speak truth to the power structures, like governments, and to shine a light on suffering, injustice, and inequality.  Again, even this speaking truth to power should generally be done unofficially by its members, and not by the group or officially by the group.  Essentially the only function of the group is to support the individuals integrating their deepest self.  The individuals are then free to follow and express their deepest selves as they are moved by their indwelling spirit (aka deepest self) which is a part of the Holy Spirit. 

As I briefly alluded to earlier, most people (including myself) want to come up with the perfect conception of God and convince or force everyone to agree with it before they invest themselves deeply in living it because this is the only way it would be completely safe living it.  However, without realizing it what this is really doing is trying to remove the necessity of having faith.  Faith is the courage to live from our deepest selves and beliefs even when that might be uncomfortable, inconvenient and even dangerous.  Faith is choosing to act on our more favorable and benevolent beliefs rather than primarily to protect our own safety or prevent our own vulnerability.  That is why faith is essential because it is only with faith that we have the courage to act upon our more favorable beliefs which come from our deepest self. 

This is the faith that moves proverbial mountains as it speaks and proves truth to our worldly power structures and encourages and supports the blossoming of the same in others, which collectively becomes the Kingdom of God, irregardless of the religion or philosophy guiding that faith.  It may seem desirable to come up with the perfect conception of God and convince or force everyone to agree with it because we would then not have to be vulnerable when trying to live in accordance with this conception, but this would remove our motivation to dig deep within ourselves to where we find our connections to The Entirety, which is what we all most seek.  So if we came up with this perfect conception of God and forced everyone to agree with it we would actually have done away with God and meaning in the process and rendered faith moot.  The only one served by formulating the perfect conception of God would be the one doing the formulation, in order for them to not have to integrate.

I have talked a little bit about ways to start to integrate our deepest self into our consciousness and daily life with things like spending time with the part of us that:
feels connected to things beyond ourselves,
feels positive meaningful things
is moved by spiritual texts,
is moved by art, music, dance

Now I want to move on to discuss what causes our objectionable activities (whether feelings, thoughts, or actions) and how best to address them.  Our objectionable activities are most commonly from our deepest self being convinced it is not possible to be a valuable and connected part of the greater wholes it finds itself in.  I have discussed that this is because the greater wholes we find ourselves in are greatly influenced by our worldly power structures created by our thinking minds to allow those with power and influence to keep it without being vulnerable or subject to the discomfort and uncertainty of connecting deeply with The Entirety and treating everyone and everything with the respect and care they deserve.  And what keeps the power structures in place is generally isolating, shaming and shunning the deepest selves or parts of those at the lower rungs, if they question the validity of the power structure. 

So our deepest selves have good reasons to believe they cannot be the connected and valuable parts of greater wholes.  When our deepest selves become convinced of this we do a variety of things.  We might get pissed off and decide we are going to be more important than others and work hard at doing that.  We might try to turn into something we are not in order to try to become an important part of a greater whole.  We might feel and act the victim who is preoccupied with why we cannot be an important part of a greater whole.  We probably do a combination of all of these things and more.  And it is in doing these things as an alternative to our destiny of truly being an important part of The Entirety, that we stumble upon many of our bad habits of feelings, thoughts and actions in pursuit of these consolations of being better than or victims or something different than we are.

We also stumble upon many of our bad habits of feelings, thoughts, and actions trying to suppress our deepest self or at least distract ourselves from our deepest self that is unsatisfied with anything less that its destiny of being an important part of greater wholes and The Entirety.  We do this with trying to achieve worldly success in the power structures created by our thinking minds.  We do this with food, exercise, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.  We do this by striving for a fancy car or dress or whatever that we think is going to make us feel better.  We do this by searching for a mate to complete us or creating a child that will need us. 

We even commonly do it with psychotherapy and religions/spirituality because we view our deepest drives, desires, and needs as defective or monstrous and therefore the problem.  I viewed my deepest self as an unquenchable beast for most of my life (and still do sometimes) because when trying to follow it and fit into greater wholes there was no doubt that these deep drives, desires, and needs made me vulnerable and unacceptable to the greater whole I was trying to become an important part of.  Then after suppressing and avoiding it most of the time and having no experience or practice living from it, when it did come out it often seemed like an unquenchable beast, which makes me think of the saying, "success is failure turned inside out."

Even when I was on the right course it seemed wrong.  The only reasons I continued were because I had good mentors that stirred an inkling of faith from deep down within me, and I did not think I had any other even remotely viable options.  Fortunately and to my continual amazement I am finding that learning to live from my deepest self is like almost everything else in life, it takes a lot of practice, hard work, and persevering when I fail in order to get any good at it.  I generally find it fairly easy these days to spend time with the deepest parts of myself that I can locate in meditation and various other ways, but finding ways to successfully integrate those parts of myself into my daily life with the world is really hard.  It is hard to have the faith and courage to even somewhat exposed those parts of myself and it is hard determine what actions would fulfill them even when I find the faith and courage.

For most of us, part of reclaiming our deepest self and its true destiny is to realize the good reasons it knows it could not be the important part of greater wholes and The Entirety.  This is necessary because it is only after realizing these reasonable or good reasons that we can start to trust our deepest self.  If we think it is unacceptable and nuts, which most of us do and our worldly power structures have hammered into us, we are not going to be able to see the value in connecting to it and learning from it. 

Part of the solution here is reviewing formative events in our lives to refine them to what is accurate, by accepting the truth and then letting the rest go.  Most of the time the truth is something less ideal than we would like to believe about ourself or the world and this keeps us from learning this crucial wisdom from our deepest self.  This in turn makes us have very black and white thinking and reactions to anything similar in life because our thinking minds mainly deal in black and white or dualistic thinking and we are cut off from our deepest self to help if we cannot accept the truth some prior experience was trying to teach us.  Only our deepest self and thinking minds working together can arrive at the wisdom necessary to be confident and comfortable with nuance and being engaged in and acting in the moment. 

When we develop ways to be the connected and valuable parts of greater wholes and The Entirety that we truly are, our objectionable activities will automatically leave.  So most of the solution is simply making it a priority to spend time with our deepest selves and follow its guidance.  We will need to cultivate new relationships and associations that allow us to be important parts of them in ways consistent with and fulfilling to our deepest self, and our deepest self will need some oversight from our thinking minds and mentors to make sure we are always being fair and normally being generous to others.

Believe it or not, what I am suggesting here as far as finding, integrating, and following our deepest selves is the gospel or good news.  The good news is that the path to what we all most want, uniting with God, The Entirety, and living in communion is to embrace our deepest self, which we most identify with as being us.  If we have the faith or courage to do this and follow what it asks of us we will be fulfilling our destiny while serving The Entirety, and no one will ever owe us anything for our service.  Why would anyone owe us for letting us fulfill our destiny and live our greatest desire?  Rather we will be lucky when we find an area in need of our service that helps us to connect and fulfill that sacred place in us. 

As I have tried to articulate following our deepest selves will have common threads, such as serving or being generous to things beyond us and treating everyone with the same level of respect and care.  At the same time it will be different for each of us and we each get to choose what deeply moves us most strongly. 

When Einstein observed, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” he was likely observing that our problems are created at the level of our thinking mind as it slices and dices and tries to gain advantages and views things as a zero sum game.  Our problems must be solved at the deeper level that knows we are all part of the same thing and it's not a zero sum game and things that benefit others truly benefit ourselves.  Einstein also said in a variety of ways that imagination and inspiration are more important than knowledge, and what he seemed to mean was that there was a non thinking part of us that accurately knew things even if those things had not yet been proven in a way our thinking minds could comprehend. 

I, of course think he is talking about some of the same things I am, that we have an intuitive part of us that knows a bigger reality than our thinking mind can, and it is only when our thinking mind and this intuitive part of us work together as revered partners that transformations occur.  

As I have discussed in the past and in this writing, even if all of these things are completely right, mentally knowing that will not help us unless it motivates us to allow the vulnerability and possibility of suffering that finding, connecting to and integrating our deepest self involves.  We have good reasons to believe this is not possible and that our deepest selves are unacceptable to our worldly groups, but it is even more true and proven over and over throughout history and in our current lives that those we admire the most and want to emulate have had the courage to follow their own sacred places and show us the Path is viable and glorious. 

We are not asked to personally be great, we are simply asked to stand with others and proclaim what is clearly and obviously right.  To stop with all the personal mental gymnastics to justify or rationalize what is obviously wrong in our own activities.  To stop with all the convoluted theology and dogmas to justify and rationalize societal activities that are obviously wrong.  To stop with the excesses of capitalism that allow the powerful to greatly stack the deck in their own favor and inhibit rather than support true competition.  And this standing together cannot be done as an all encompassing organization, whether that be a religion or political party or whatever, because the organization would simply come up with its own convoluted rationales for keeping the powerful in place.  The standing together has to simply be as human beings unwilling to go along with things that are obviously wrong.  This standing together could be done by something like creating an organization against human trafficking, but this organization would be for integrating people to follow or express their integrated self.  The organization to follow integrated selves would not have anything to say on how the integration should occur.  

Finally, I want to make it clear that you do not need to think each part of this is correct to try a specific part of it.  I would imagine some of the things I observe are unsettling and therefore I feel the need to give a broad overview and observe how it all fits together.  At the same time each of us has to dig deep within ourselves and determine what will be the most true for us at this moment.  I hope my discussions and suggestions spur your own revelations that you choose to follow and share.  After all following and sharing our own revelations or insights would be an accurate description of integrating. 

Bare bones basics of what I think I will be saying on this blog

Everything points to the fact that every individual or individual thing is a small part of one single Entirety, and this Entirety includes eternity in both directions.  No one can be totally separated from this Entirety.

Physics says this with the big bang and in various other ways.
Biology says this with evolution and in various other ways.
Chemistry says this by everything being made of the same things following the same rules.

The fact that we are all part of the same larger whole is also the main theme of all religions.  Most religions define this larger whole as less than the entirety at times and as the entirety at times.  My thesis is that The Entirety is God. 

Less well supported but no less true is that we have a place within us that knows that we are all parts of the same Entirety.  This is great, but actually of limited utility by itself.  Only when our deepest self and our thinking minds work as respected and even revered teammates do amazing things become possible. 

Most commonly our deepest self and thinking minds sometimes work together but much more commonly they have a turf war within us with each controlling different aspects of ourself and lives and successfully keeping the other mostly out.  I am adopting Carl Jung’s term of integration for the process of getting our deepest self and thinking minds to work as revered teammates and each have access to all parts of us.

It is only through integration that we become whole (not fragmented) and free (not restricted as to what part can see or influence an area of us and our lives) and capable of communing with The Entirety.  Communing or uniting with The Entirety (God) is what we all most deeply desire and it is wonderful beyond description when it occurs. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Framework for Everything

There may be a God as something above or beyond The Entirety, but viewing God as the Entirety is sufficient for joining Eternity right here and now.  In Christianity that might be called the Kingdom of God.

I do not think viewing God as simply, The Entirety, is inconsistent with the world's main religions, or at least not any more inconsistent than different aspects of those religions are with other parts of themselves.  However, viewing God as simply (or maybe even only) The Entirety could also probably be considered consistent with atheism or humanism.   I have no idea if God is anything intelligent or independent from the entirety, but I do know that viewing God as simply the Entirety turns out to be every bit as magnificent as any religion’s conception of God. Most importantly, when viewed as the Entirety the best parts of each religion and even humanism or various forms of atheism point to the same things.  Now I am not expecting to convince many people of this, but my hope is that if people truly consider these views they might be able to use them as a framework to see new similarities with others who at first glance seem to believe very different things. 

Generally the reason we are uncomfortable with God being just The Entirety is because we want some preferential treatment or personal perks (now or in an afterlife) from God.  However, wanting preferential treatment is actually the opposite of what God is about.  Eternity, the ultimate reward, is available right here and now in this moment if we surrender to our deepest selves, which have always been part of Eternity (and The Entirety) and always will be.

Let’s start with evolution.  I realize that can be a controversial topic, but the evidence is completely overwhelming or leaves no doubt at all that we evolved from very simple organisms to animals to humans.  If you prefer to believe that an outside force (God) was directing that process and it could not have happened the way it did without God, that still does not change the completely overwhelming evidence that we came from that process, whether guided or not.

The reason I am hammering this home is because to understand the way we are and how we operate it is essential to understand where we came from and how we evolved.  Most importantly, to understand how our cognitive (thinking) mind developed to give us consciousness.  To boil it down to its essence our cognitive mind gives us consciousness, which is basically the ability to see ourselves as separate from others and then to evaluate ourselves in relations to others and our surroundings.  Many animals have a very rudimentary cognitive mind and therefore consciousness, but humans have a great capacity for this.  It is what is primarily responsible for our complete takeover of the earth and incredible and accelerating “progress” that might just irreparably destroy the earth and therefore ourselves.  

With our cognitive mind being so impressive and it being the main thing that separates us from animals and lower life forms we generally identify with it way too much.  The reason it is a problem to mainly identify with our cognitive mind is that our cognitive mind sees us, individually and the groups we are a part of, as separate from and inevitably in competition with and therefore at odds with others and things beyond ourselves and our groups.  After all that is its purpose and the main thing responsible for our remarkable success as a species.  (I think our cognitive mind is what the Bible is talking about with eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.)

Of course there is some truth to the notion that we as individuals are separate from other individuals and at times at odds with them and our surroundings, but at the same time it is also very true that we are all connected and small parts of greater wholes (like marriages, families, clubs, teams, workplaces, religions, countries, etc) and The Greatest Whole or Entirety.  There had to be a counterbalance to our cognitive mind seeing us as separate and slicing and dicing everything, and generally that is where religion founds its role.  The essence of religion or spirituality is acknowledging the deeper reality, that we are all connected and small parts of Something much greater than ourselves.  We are connected in very real and concrete ways to everything else that exists and there is a part of ourselves that knows that.  

I generally refer to that part of ourselves as our soul or our deepest self.  Most people who spend the time in prayer and meditation and other activities that allow us to connect to that part of ourselves that connects to everything else and knows it is connected to everything else feel those connections at our very center.  Hence the phrase, getting centered.  To Christians, this could also be the Holy Spirit within them.  

This deepest self is where wisdom comes from because it knows the Ultimate Truth, that we are all part of The Entirety that is God, and we each individually are tiny but unique and valuable parts of this Entirety.  Knowing this and allowing our deepest selves to manifest their destiny and be present today and now IS the Kingdom of God or Enlightenment, and It is indescribably wonderful, as those terms imply.  

However, living from that very deepest part of ourselves often feels very scary and can be very scary and traumatic, which is why very few people do to any big extent, including myself.  Although I am getting better and writing and sharing these things is a big part of trying to live from my deepest self.  Those who say faith and fear are opposites and having fear indicates a lack of faith are obviously using only their cognitive minds to try to understand.  Anyone who has actually lived faith realizes that it is scary and faith is what makes facing the fear possible and then ever so rewarding

Next let’s look at how and why living from our deepest self threatens others, which often leads to conflict and persecution, not because knowing will make it safer, but because knowing it at a deep level can strengthen our faith, which again is the necessary ingredient to overcome the lack of safety and fear, and therefore unite with God, The Entirety.  As the Bible says it probably did all start with eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or as I focus on, the development of our cognitive mind, which again has led to our tremendous success as a species and might just make us so successful in evolutionary terms that it wipes us out.  

Relying on and identifying with our cognitive mind has led us to create power structures that further reinforce it and protect it.   Our cognitive mind sees things as separate and slices and dices things up to compare them, test them, and try to gain advantages and better ways of doing things.  Then it uses what it learns to gain advantages and improve how things are done, and generally, if possible, to exert more control over things beyond itself.  The cognitive mind trying to exert more and more control happens within an individual person, as well as in their relationship to other people and their surroundings.  

Whereas, our deepest self says everyone is important and valuable, that everyone deserves dignity and opportunity, that we are all a part of the same thing, and as Jesus said, anything done to or for the least of these is done to me.  As such, the deepest self threatens people with power who like their privileged status and often think they deserve it.

At the same time our cognitive minds never acts completely alone (or if they do that is what is classified as a sociopath).  Our conscience, bubbling up from our deepest self, is a counterbalance, and at times exerts overwhelming force.  Generally the times our deepest self exerts overwhelming force comes at times of great love or great suffering.(1)  In the great love for a child or when falling head over heels for a mate, we sometimes realize profoundly enough that we are part of something larger and much more important than ourselves to greatly change us permanently.  Other times, it changes us only temporarily as we bask in the glow of the love and feel our ultimate reality of being a connected and valuable part of something greater than ourselves.  

Great suffering can also change us temporarily or permanently when the suffering becomes sufficient to overwhelm our cognitive minds and we surrender to something beyond our cognitive mind, without even knowing what that is.  At a certain point the suffering can get so bad that our cognitive mind completely gives up and we are left with our deepest self, which instantly feels the bliss of knowing what we all most strive for, whether we realize it or not, being a connected and valuable part of The Infinite.  And It is infinite in Its Being and Love.  

Ekhart Tolle’s description of his spiritual experience in the beginning of The Power of Now, seems to fit this suffering type.  In a slightly less pure way Bill Wilson’s (a Co-Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous) spiritual experience was similar, as well as any number of examples from William’s James book, The Varieties of Spiritual Experience.  I say slightly less pure because in many of the examples there seemed to be both love and suffering operating together to induce the life changing spiritual experience, and normally it does take a combination to induce a sufficient lasting change in us.  

When the love and suffering are extreme sometimes a very dramatic mountain top type spiritual experience occurs, as many of the the above examples describe.  For most people though it is a long process of being molded by spiritual disciplines, and the love and suffering those methods precipitate, that slowly leads to relying more and more on our deepest self until at some point that becomes our dominant guide.  It is never completely one way or the other though.  These typical routes to the deepest self where the Ultimate Reality is known and celebrated is likely why Jesus said it is so hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Most rich people do not have anything to push them to suffer sufficiently or love deeply enough to move them sufficiently past their cognitive mind to the vulnerable and scary deepest self.

At this point I want to look at why living from our deepest self is scary, difficult and dangerous and not our natural state from a little bit different perspective.  Everyone and everything of course likes things that feel good and does not like things that feel bad.  For most of human history the main driver of who got to feel better than others was success because success means getting to impose your will and rules on others.  We are not paying attention if we do not see to what great and often cruel lengths we will go to try to have this power to impose our will and rules on others, and we often even do it subtly to the ones we supposedly love the most.  

My point here is that up to this point in history (before we have completely overcrowded and in various ways destroyed the earth(2)) the main thing that determined our relative ability to feel more good and less bad was our amount of power, which was determined by our amount of success as an individual, as well as our group (family, religion or country).  

After all even today individuals and groups become conquered and killed or exploited if they do not have the power to stop it.  This might be more easily seen in foreign lands, but in a slightly more subtle or glossed over way occurs all around us with various types of child abuse and molestation, prostitution, pornography, human trafficking, domestic violence, disproportionate incarceration of minorities, huge income and opportunity inequalities, etc.  And often what precipitates the quickest and harshest rebuke from those in power is someone speaking truth from their deepest self because those in power intuitively know from their own deepest self (which they are generally scared to death of) that their power is not legitimate and is really just a shell game.  As such, those people in power are in their own sort of hell.  Their power keeps them isolated from their own deepest self and thus The Entirety and Source of everything good.  Therefore it would be good to remember Martin Luther King’s concept of hate the wrong, not the wrongdoer.  There is no need to hate the wrongdoer when they wrong due to being in some degree of hell, and of course this is somewhat true of all of us.

If success and the power it provides is that important and strongly opposed to our deepest self, what is the antidote and way forward individually and collectively.  Collectively, the answer is much simpler and we have great examples in Jesus, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi.  One part of the answer is recognizing our Ultimate Reality (that we are all part of something much greater than ourselves) and truly wanting to give for the good of the Entirety.  And there is good reason it generally must be done non-violently.  Normally if done violently it becomes just one group trying to beat another group and gain the power advantage.(2.1)  Whereas, if we really deeply know that we are all part of the same Entirety, violence is always violence to a part of ourselves.  And as Jesus, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi demonstrated, there is a power greater than kings or presidents, or billionaires here on earth, and that Power is our Collective Unity, which is the Ultimate Reality.  

Unfortunately, once a religion (even one as great as Christianity and founded upon this Ultimate Reality) becomes organized it generally is slowly taken over by people shunning their own and others deepest selves in favor of the cognitive mind’s approach and the power structures it creates.  To move beyond this the organizations needs to emphasize and the people within them must be capable of allowing the unresolved uncertainty from their deepest selves and their cognitive minds sorting through issues together to dwell in them.  They must see this process as the source of wisdom and transformational connection to The Entirety that it truly is.

Most religious communities subtly discourage it by having the main membership criteria be common beliefs.  And if I allow my cognitive mind and deepest self to endure the discomfort and uncertainty and arrive at some wisdom and maybe transformation, I must live that new wisdom and transformation.  So if it turns out that the wisdom is not consistent with the religious/spiritual communities common beliefs I am in an impossible position.  I must either move away from the religious community (and most people, including myself, need a community embracing spiritual principles to manifest our Ultimate Reality) or I must turn my back on my new found wisdom and therefore my deepest self.  

For this reason religious or spiritual communities should primarily be based upon practices and not beliefs, and it really seems like we have gone in the opposite direction from what Jesus taught on this.  Jesus did not say to worship him or to believe certain things, he said to follow him and look out for others and be good to others.  When Jesus says the only way to the Father is through him, he means following his path of enthusiastic giving for the benefit of others and The Entirety, of genuinely wanting to give of yourself and that being the reward itself.  If there was any doubt, he made it abundantly clear when he taught,

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and the second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself.  

The thing Jesus seemed to detest the most was the idea of right beliefs or right practices being of any use if they did not serve others.  This is of course because if they do not serve others, they must be done for purely selfish reasons, like trying to get a personal reward in this life or an afterlife or supporting or enforcing a power structure created by our cognitive minds.  Using God as a pretense to serve myself is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught and what God is really about, and the same could be said of prayers requesting things for my own benefit, other than connecting and uniting with God.  

Maybe this is why Jesus often taught with parables.  Parables help us to understand deeper truths, but do not contain rigid beliefs for our cognitive mind to manipulate and fit into the power structures our cognitive minds create.  

As such, a spiritual or religious group’s main task is to provide the framework and community for their members to experience their deepest selves and thus our Ultimate Reality.  Having that framework consist of common beliefs beyond Jesus’ 2 commandments or our Ultimate Reality (that we are each small, but unique and valuable parts of greater wholes and the Greatest Whole or Entirety) reduces rather than expands our access to our deepest selves and this Ultimate Reality.  So the framework should be primarily based upon practices that help us connect to our deepest selves, which knows our Ultimate Reality and WANTS to serve and give to others.  After all the only way to be truly free is to WANT to do what is good for others, which as part of The Entirety is also good for us.  

Now let’s move from looking at what religious or spiritual groups can do to encourage and support individuals in their quest to unite with the divine to what individuals themselves can do.  Of course we should start with our foundation for everything, which is that we are all very tiny, but unique and valuable parts of The Entirety, and that somewhere within us we have a soul or deepest self that knows this.  We have been separated from this deepest self, by the development, reliance upon, identification with and incredible success of our cognitive minds, or in Christian terms, eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  And this over reliance upon our cognitive mind over time and the power structures it creates is original sin - what keeps us from our deepest selves and thus The Entirety or God.(3)

Before moving forward let me affirm that all the normal spiritual methods can help, such as prayer, meditation, service work, confession, repentance, forgiveness, embracing the moment, fasting from food or other things, etc.  I am not planning to say more about any of them right now.  However, since I probably seem to be too critical of religions in many ways, I wanted to make it clear that there is great power and huge potential in many of their practices, especially if unleashed from the constriction of dictated common beliefs to Jesus’ two commandments or serving The Entirety.

Let’s start with the observation that our cognitive mind cannot operate in the moment.  It can dissect the past to try to learn lessons to apply in the future and it can project what the future might look like, helping us to decide how to act today to increase our chances of having a more preferred future.  As such our cognitive mind is an incredibly powerful tool, but not of any real benefit for the present moment,(4) unless we use it to help us refine deeper parts of ourselves that are capable of engaging in the moment.  Most people though prefer to not be engaged in the present moment because our deeper parts that are capable of doing so are also vulnerable parts of ourselves and capable of being hurt.    

I am not saying that our feelings are our deepest self, but our deepest feelings do originate from our deepest self and are the most direct and consistent path to our deepest self.  Unfortunately, psychology/psychiatry and religion are not yet very good at leading people to their deepest selves in this manner.  Ultimately, this is because not enough people in these vocations are connected enough to their own deepest self to lead someone else to theirs.  Simply by listening and providing supportive suggestions though these vocations are often successful in helping people get through the lowest lows and unhinged highs.  However, in most situations they stop well short of providing an adequate framework to get connected and stay connected to our deepest selves, which in turn allows us to be connected to others and be present in the moment, which is bliss.  

As far as I can tell psychology has various approaches which viewed broadly fit into two main categories.  One is based upon understanding why we feel and think the way we do and then behave the way we do in response to these feelings and thoughts.  The second approach says "why" does not matter much and if we start trying to think and act differently we will start feeling differently.  So let’s figure out how to act in ways that will help us feel better.  Of course these approaches are also combined in various ways, and I am oversimplifying.  

The problem with the first approach is that understanding why we feel the way we feel, as a result of what has happened to us in our life, is that unless there is a further solution we are still left with those feelings.  And often understanding the problematic feelings or thinking actually makes them stronger.  In response we might be able to wisely choose to avoid situations that aggravate them, but then we end up having to run further from most moments and both our internal and external worlds gets too constricted

The problem with the second approach is that having our solution be acting against our own feelings, thinking, and desires might make our life improve in some ways, but it is often a long tortuous path until we have done it enough for our thinking and feelings to change to something more appealing.  And a lot of people, maybe most, do not actually make it through that long tortuous path and to anything much better.  Or even if they do, it feels somewhat hollow because the root of this path is distrusting a part of themselves (their feelings) that almost everyone associates with their identity. Although as I said initially it does often help take off the lowest of the lows and the unhinged highs.  

Part of psychology’s misunderstanding with these approaches is that psychology is trying to get the patient back to “normal.”  However, as I have previously discussed “normal” is generally a paradigm structured around the cognitive mind, and the power structures the cognitive mind creates when slicing and dicing our past, projecting our future, seeing us as separate from everything else, and trying to gain advantages over things beyond us.  

Generally it is these very power structures (that our cognitive minds have collectively created) that the troubled patient is seeing through and no longer willing to ascribe to or go along with.  Generally the troubled patient has things bubbling up from their deepest self that say that these power structures and the often subtle and covert rules holding the power structures together are wrong and that the patient can no longer accept or go along with those rules.  

At the same time unless the suffering is so great and the patient is lucky enough to be overcome by the collapse of their cognitive minds to have a spiritual experience (like discussed earlier) and transformed by knowing beyond doubt our Ultimate Reality, the patient is stuck trying to fit into their current community (family, workplace, various organizations) by going against what is bubbling up from their deepest self or by going against the rules of the community.  Obviously either path is extremely difficult.  

Fortunately, our common humanity often steps in and a friend or mental health profession or religious professional provides the needed compassion and acceptance, which is likely not based upon any specific framework, but intuitively known to be what is needed.  This compassion and acceptance (divine love) is normally the healer, as it affirms the deepest selves of everyone involved.  And actually it can become somewhat of a very simple and extremely successful framework if the people involved realize it is this divine love (or meeting of deepest selves) that did the healing of everyone involved.  Our deepest self being able to manifest its destiny, and be what it knows it is, will always be the basis of lasting healing or transformation.  

However, as previously discussed we generally hide our deepest selves or core because getting hurt, or even the possibility of getting hurt, at that level seems devastating.  And the power structures(5) created by our collective cognitive minds are often based upon subtly exploiting weaknesses, of which our feelings are a good map..  As a result, we generally have good reason to learn to avoid our feelings.  This serves the cognitive mind and resulting power structures well and continues the cycle because we basically only have 2 guidance systems, our cognitive mind or our feelings.

As a result, we generally learn early in life at an intuitive level that our feelings make others uncomfortable and often even that our feelings make us unacceptable to others.  We generally respond to this by trying to make ourselves into what we think those closest or most important to us want us or expect us to be.  This generally leaves us trying to suppress our deepest feelings and therefore self while trying to create what we think those closest to us want or expect from us, in hopes that we might find how we can be a valuable and connected part of greater wholes.  Unfortunately, this path is fraught with pitfalls.  First, it takes a huge amount of energy to suppress our deepest feelings while also trying to create something acceptable.  Second, even if we seem to be successful at creating something acceptable it feels empty because we know it is not us (our deepest self that we identify with as being “us”) that was accepted.  

Often what results is that we do our best to continue this path since it is the only one we know and seems to be the path accepted by mainstream society, but we search for breaks, escapes, and distractions from the craziness.  This is a sad and depressing cycle since when our goal is breaks, escapes, and distractions, our goal is actually to be emotionally dead, to work really hard so that we can have time off to be emotionally dead.  

While it is true that our feelings expose our weaknesses that are then preyed upon by the power structures created by our cognitive minds, even if that were not the case our feelings tend to be volatile and exaggerated from what is an accurate guide or response in a given situation.  And as previously mentioned we only have 2 main guidance systems, thinking or feeling.  Therefore, unless we can learn to embrace and refine our feelings we are stuck with our thinking or cognitive mind to guide us, which cannot understand Ultimate Reality or be present in the moment.  

Fortunately, with our cognitive mind’s help we are capable of refining our feelings into a wise guide for our life, and since our deepest feelings originate from our deepest self, connect to our deepest self at the same time.  In fact this is probably one of the most direct routes to reclaim our deepest self and learn to live from it.  It is also the only way to be able to be present in the moment because any feelings we believe we must avoid block us from that part of ourselves where those feelings come from, and in turn from participating in any present moment that evokes those feelings.

Before introducing my own primary method for refining our feelings to become wise guides, let me once again affirm that most spiritual disciplines or religious practices have great potential to do this in a somewhat indirect manner, especially if we understand what we are trying to accomplish with them.  And that is to connect to our deepest self, trust it, and learn to live from it, which will invariably involve enriching The Entirety.

My own method starts with the same understanding for what we are trying to accomplish.  First, to connect to our deepest self, and at the same time, The Entirety, since our deepest self is the part of us that knows that we are inescapably connected to and a tiny, unique, and valuable part of The Entirety.  Then to learn to trust and live from this deepest self.  As such, it is important to realize that generally the feelings I will use as a starting point are the result of our deepest self wanting to claim its destiny or rightful spot as a tiny, unique, valuable, and connected part of The Entirety.  Negative feelings are generally propelled by what I refer to as visceral beliefs(6) about myself or my world (Entirety) that say I am unable to manifest this destiny, and the converse would be the case for positive feelings.  

Generally, when a process like this is first started it is wise and often imperative to have a trusted mentor, friend, or professional help us who understands a little of what we are trying to accomplish and how we are trying to accomplish it.(7)  Without this mentor, friend, or professional we often get overwhelmed and then stuck at certain points, which can leave us worse off than when we started. With that disclaimer I will proceed to describe my method.  Specifically, I go through the following process in writing.  I normally use bilateral sounds as I do it because it seems to act as a lubricant to help things fall into place, but this is not absolutely necessary.  Exercise while contemplating a part of the process works similarly.  

1 - I pick a target feeling.  Generally a feeling that is bothering me and seems to be preventing me from being what I want to be.  

2 - I try to characterize the feeling or articulate what it is.  In other words I try to name it.  This is often hard and often there are not words that fit it exactly.  However, the feeling will know when it has been adequately labelled and articulated.  Essentially the feeling will say at some point, yes that’s about right.

3 - I try to articulate what the visceral belief is that creates and propels the feeling.  In other words I ask myself what is the gut level belief behind the feeling.  Again language will be inadequate, but at some point the feeling will say yes that’s about right.  I should mention here that the feeling and my deepest self should be leading the way with my cognitive mind being used as a respected and powerful tool.  My cognitive mind will ask questions, throw out possibilities, and try to articulate what my deepest self and the feeling tells it, but my deepest self and the feeling are the boss and final arbiter of what is accurate.  

4 - I ask where the visceral belief and feeling originated or in other words when I first felt them.  

5 - I ask, was the visceral belief accurate or at least fairly reasonable when it originated.  Invariably with myself and others I find that it was, but there is no moving on until the visceral belief and feeling come to know this.  This is a very important step in the process because it means that my feeling guidance system is not completely defective.  The feeling and visceral belief just got stuck here, normally because reality at the time it was formed was too much for us to truly understand and contemplate with our cognitive mind.  In times when our present circumstances or reality are too much to realize and accept, we evolved to have strong feelings to keep us as safe as possible and away from the gravest danger.  This system works fairly well to protect us, but when the serious dangers are no longer there, we often still have the visceral beliefs and feelings, which keep us uncomfortable and then not trusting ourselves because the feelings are not accurate or are way too exaggerated for our current situation without the dangers the feelings were meant to help us avoid.  When we realize the visceral belief and feeling was appropriate or at least reasonable for the situation when and where it was initially formed we are ready to move on.

6 - I ask the visceral belief if it is still reasonable or necessary today?  Sometimes it is because often our visceral beliefs guide our behavior so much that they become self fulfilling prophecies or they propagate themselves to the extent that our most important relationships are based upon them.  If this is the case we may have to change our relationships after our deepest self has settled upon what the most accurate visceral belief should be today.  Other times the only thing making the visceral belief somewhat true in our life today is itself, and as soon as our deepest self realizes a new refined visceral belief is more accurate and adopts it, we become whole and free to engage in the moment, which is a part of Eternity, and The Entirety, which of course is one and the same.  

I will follow up this writing at some point with a few actual examples of the above process in action.  For now I will make a few more observations.  This method is intense and scary, and most are too “rich” to undergo such a process.  The only thing that led me here was knowing I was not going to make it any other way and then finding amazing mentors and guides along the way.  I claim no virtue, beyond perseverance, in finding limitless Grace, and I am not even too sure about perseverance.  Basically, when it was clear I was out of any options, others made the only even remotely viable option something beneficial to me, rather than vengeful.  Then, I went down the wrong path a few more times, and for reasons I cannot explain various people did not give up on me and I would eventually take the only option left, which remarkably was still full of grace.  And eventually, maybe, I have gotten to some fairly solid ground.  

However, I am still considerably overweight and use food and caffeine to avoid my deepest self quite a bit.  If what I am saying here is fairly accurate, my life is still quite the embarrassment because I do not do a very good job living these things.  At the same time I must be doing some things right because I do not do most of the very destructive things I used to do and I have much more freedom and wholeness than I ever even considered shooting for.  I experience a great deal of profound and often intense spiritual experiences, and while I do not take credit for them and see them as Grace, it is probably clear by now that I think there are methods that are helpful in achieving spiritual experiences sufficient to change ourselves and the world we live in.  If I wait until I am purified to share myself and engage in and experience the Moment, I will have denied myself access to the Power that purifies and transforms me.  

None of what I have shared here are theories derived from my cognitive mind.  They are the result of being spiritually realigned by spiritual practices and Grace.  They are my best attempt at sharing and articulating what I have experienced at a level deeper than my cognitive mind.  While it is true that our cognitive minds cannot themselves figure out or understand Ultimate Reality, with practice they can do a decent job of articulating It from our deepest selves.  

Our cognitive minds are ill equipped to be our primary guide and get completely overwhelmed when asked to do so, but they are also incredibly powerful tools.  If we can trust most of our deepest feelings (after refinement) and be committed to learning from the rest, by spending time refining them in various ways (often with our cognitive minds assistance) we become free of the need to try to suppress our deepest self.  We become whole, living from our deepest self in the moment, and our cognitive mind becomes free to observe things (from ourselves to our surroundings) which it rightfully does with awe.  Simple things are actually quite amazing and more complex things can be literally mind blowing, taking us back to our deepest selves and Ultimate Reality or The Entirety.  Our cognitive mind becomes a treasured tool that helps to refine our visceral guidance system and eventually spends most of its time in pure wonder at the majestic Entirety, and it parts.

We may still be somewhat sad at times because we see all the needless suffering in the world, but we do not have time for dwelling on that because we see how the needless suffering occurs.  Our felt need to suppress our own deepest self and then that of others causes all of the suffering humans inflict on one another.  And the suffering not inflicted upon one another is an opportunity and call to unite, which if we heed much more than cancels out the suffering.  Actually it is probably the quickest and most direct path to Eternity or The Entirety, which is always happening and available to everyone at all times.  

Let me conclude with a reminder to myself and anyone reading this.  Even if all of this is exactly correct, it is only useful if knowing it convinces us or allows us to connect to that part of ourselves that connects with everything else.  There are countless ways and any of them are valid places to start.  If we pick one that resonates deeply we might just take a ride in The Moment and realize that is where we belong.  

1 - Richard Rohr discussed this in his extraordinary book, The Naked Now.
2 - I am alluding to a time fairly soon (at least in relative terms if you consider the earth a billion or more years old) when if we do not expand our consciousness to see that we are all part of the same Entirety, and work together, and be willing to share the sacrifices of doing so, we may burn out as a species.  And I guess in disgust the prophet, George Carlin, said he thought it was time we let some other species have a try since we were screwing everything up so badly.  I am not that pessimistic but think it will likely only be as we push against very definite danger and suffer the consequences of doing so, that we will be made willing to share the sacrifices necessary to create a world much more benevolent than the one we currently reside in.  I think we will go the route Churchill used to describe Americans.  “They will always do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”  And actually that is the route many of us take as individuals and has certainly been true for me.
2.1 - There are times when violence is necessary to stop worst violence, including oppression of people. It should only be considered when absolutely necessary and even then must be done in a generous and compassionate manner or else it is just one group forcing their rules on others with each group wrongly thinking their own preferred rules justify the violence.
3 - Part of this conception of original sin I took from Richard Rohr’s The Naked Now.  He reports that something similar to this concept of original sin is how it was historically understood for a long time by clergy.
4 - Again, I want to reiterate that I do not mean to imply that we are ever acting exclusively from our cognitive mind or our deepest self.  Unless we are sociopaths there is always some combination with one driving behavior and one acting at some level as a counterbalance.
5 - These power structures operate in all groups of people such as families, friends, workplaces, churches, govt, etc.  Workplaces have maybe done the best of any of these groups at reducing their negative aspects, but of course it varies within each type of group. 
6 - The best way I can explain visceral beliefs is that they are the somewhat undefinable and indescribable assumptions or beliefs behind our feelings.  They originated before our cognitive minds and language and thus are not really capable of being adequately defined by language.  However, our cognitive mind can do a fairly good job of articulating their contours, and often in doing so the visceral belief is refined to something more accurate.
7 - Generally this person must not be a spouse relative or someone whose life is considerably intertwined with the other.