Everything points to the fact that every individual or
individual thing is a small part of one single Entirety, and this Entirety
includes eternity in both directions. No
one can be totally separated from this Entirety.
Physics says this with the big bang and in various other
Biology says this with evolution and in various other ways.
Chemistry says this by everything being made of the same
things following the same rules.
The fact that we are all part of the same larger whole is
also the main theme of all religions.
Most religions define this larger whole as less than the entirety at
times and as the entirety at times. My
thesis is that The Entirety is God.
Less well supported but no less true is that we have a place
within us that knows that we are all parts of the same Entirety. This is great, but actually of limited
utility by itself. Only when our deepest
self and our thinking minds work as respected and even revered teammates do
amazing things become possible.
Most commonly our deepest self and thinking minds sometimes
work together but much more commonly they have a turf war within us with each
controlling different aspects of ourself and lives and successfully keeping the
other mostly out. I am adopting Carl
Jung’s term of integration for the process of getting our deepest self and
thinking minds to work as revered teammates and each have access to all parts
of us.
It is only through integration that we become whole (not fragmented)
and free (not restricted as to what part can see or influence an area of us and
our lives) and capable of communing with The Entirety. Communing or uniting with The Entirety (God)
is what we all most deeply desire and it is wonderful beyond description when
it occurs.
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