Thursday, May 11, 2017

Life's Messy

Most of our avoidable problems are related to people not being willing to be with the messy muddled middle ground of real life, whether internally/individually, between people or between groups, and thus try to pick an ideal (fantasy) to champion and fight for. This is true at all levels of life and relationships (marriages, families, friends, charitable organizations, churches, workplaces, politics, etc), and we never really arrive at the truth from both (or more) sides of an issue because of this. Democracy is dependant upon finding and implementing these truths from all sides of an issue that are not completely at odds with each other, as people initially assume, but we only find this out when we are willing to somewhat open mindedly experience the mess and discomfort of real life rather than retreating to our fantasies of how it ought to be or is supposed to be.

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