Thursday, May 11, 2017

Brief FB Comment

Much of the problem is that we are bombarded from all angles for almost all of our lives with the idea that doing what we want and what we ought to do are at odds when in fact a lot of overlap exists. The overlap is actually the good news, which is hidden by bombardment from all angles, often foremost from religions. Even when you know to shoot for the overlap though, trying to live there is scary and hard. Looking anywhere other than the overlap though makes the good news impossible.

I do not mean to imply there is a big conspiracy and most of the people with power realize they are doing what I am suggesting. Rather I am saying that we are taught all along to resist our desires and focus instead on what those with authority think we should be doing (which is generally how those in authority got to where they are, which seems to be a desirable position and thus they think they are giving generous advice.) 

 The result is having to exert a great amount of energy both on suppressing our desires and on pushing ourselves to act in ways that will please/satisfy others, which then leads us to also need various escapes from all that effort fighting ourselves. Just as importantly we never learn to find the overlap (which takes a lot of practice, discipline, and reflection) where we are fulfilled by acting benevolent, which is the transformation people seek. 

 The only way to be transformed is to be acting on our own deepest desires in ways that benefit others without demanding things from them. In this way we get what we most want by being benevolent and without regard to what anyone else does, which is the gospel. It seems to have mostly been replaced by trying to valiantly fight our desires and make sacrifices for others that feel like sacrifices rather than fulfilling/rewarding, which explains why many churches/religious organizations have lost the power to attract and transform.

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