Another comment to a FB post
Sin is viewing ourselves as separate from everything else,
especially our immediate surroundings, and thinking, feeling and then acting
from that perspective, which puts us at odds with our surroundings and trying
to maximize our own situation, often at the expense of those people and things
around us. While in this mindset we try to make god into something that will
justify the path we are on, and that ends up having to be a confrontational god
that must be rule based with the assignment of winners and losers, with each
getting their “just” rewards and punishments.
This is what we must be born again from or awakened to
realizing we are a little bit separate and our own entity, but much more so
slightly unique and valuable, hopelessly connected, parts of The Entirety,
which is God.
When we think, feel, and act from the perspective of being
separate and at odds with our surroundings we put barriers between us and our
surroundings. That is why we must “repent” and go through the reconciliation
process, which generally includes the things we most resist, like confessing
our sins to one another and doing whatever we can to rectify and heal the hurt
and harm we have caused while acting from a separateness perspective. However,
to the extent we have been saved or born again or have awakened this
reconciliation process is actually a joyful process.
Please do not misunderstand and think I am saying I have
mastered or do any of this reconciliation process well (or often). And even
when I do actually do it fairly well I generally start to do it grudgingly. At
the same time at some point I sometimes surrender to it fairly fully for at
least a short period of time, and in those fairly short periods of time I
experience what all the Saints are trying to share with us, that we normally
Saying that seems to great lack an essential humility, which
is one of the pillars of the whole experience, as the saints/transformed always
emphasize, and the only way to explain that is by remembering that getting to
the experience occurs by surrendering the self, as apart from everything else,
and the Majesty belongs completely to The Father/Entirety and not to the
slightly unique, valuable and connected part (each of us). This is because each
of us is extremely feeble and of almost no significance until we claim our spot
as part of greater wholes and ultimately The Greatest Whole or Entirety.
Whereas to the extent we do claim our spot we become a part of Something
infinitely wonderful and tap into the Power to move proverbial mountains.
Sin is ignoring, suppressing, avoiding our indwelling
spirit/Christ within/deepest self/soul/heart (whatever you want to call it) in
all the crazy and harmful ways we do that with the worst being when we harm
another and make them more reluctant to live from and share their own.
Faith is following our indwelling spirit/Christ
within/deepest self/soul/heart that knows what Jesus and all the great
spiritual teachers taught is the Truth. As Jesus taught, this starts off like a
mustard seed or yeast in size and significance, but if we prioritize it (spend
time, effort, resources on it), share it with others and help each other find
more of it and live from it, that is the Kingdom. And to the extent we have
faith in that Truth and process and build the Kingdom, we have the proverbial
Faith that moves mountains and we join God’s Benevolent Eternity, which
collectively is The Good News.
I personally have a smidge of that Faith and unfortunately
still spend most of my time ignoring, suppressing, and avoiding. Fortunately,
even that smidge has been enough to change my life from being about 80%
tough/miserable, 15% decent, and 5% good, to about 60% good, 20%
tough/miserable, and 20% mountain top, for many years.
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