Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Spiritual Euphoria

An email to a friend

You asked me a great question last night. Which was, what is the benefit of the physical feeling of euphoria that I sometimes experience and think are spiritual experiences?

To some extent I have always felt guilty about the pleasure that is a part of the experience which is reinforced by part of the intuitive knowledge from the experience that I am a lucky bastard and a fuck up.  And I cannot emphasize either of those things enough, that I am lucky beyond belief and a fuck up beyond belief.  Which means the pleasure and really the whole experience is completely a gift from God, pure Grace.  Together those things are as important for me to know at my deepest levels as anything else in life and a big part of the benefit of the experience.

As I have contemplated it more last night and this morning and now gotten to a sustained strongly euphoric state for a couple hours I have explored with the experience what the benefits might be. 

The answer seems to be that the euphoria or ecstasy is a result of manifesting my destiny or realizing my destiny of being at one or in communion with God a.k.a. the Entirety. As such acting from this experience would look like Jesus or St. Francis of Assisi or Mother Teresa, etc. and letting the feelings of this experience over power and heal the scars of trying to live in community with those around me is the solution for my brokenness, separateness, being lost. The crux of the experience is that for that moment and however long it lasts I am not broken or separate or lost, I am one with everything and whole with my creator and found as well as greatly loved by my creator, while simultaneously knowing I am feeble and essentially nothing apart from. 

And all the above is completely reality. It is not a spiritual fantasy and I know that because it aligns with what Jesus and the great saints and mystics have all taught. So my task is to live that reality and much of my guide for that task is to follow that experience by following the feelings of the experience and letting them infuse those areas of my life where I am most broken and acting from that brokenness.  When those feelings infuse those areas and I am thus whole and free to follow them the ecstasy will be present but much much more importantly I will be joyously acting from wholeness with everything else or communion and I will want to be of maximal benefit to whatever I can be since everything else is also part of the same Whole. 

It doesn't have much benefit or maybe any benefit if it doesn't infuse the areas of my life where I am most broken. And when I do go back to the broken areas it is extremely painful to go from such wonderfulness to the intense pain of feeling separated again and broken. It can make it seem like the wholeness was never real to begin with and can lead to despair.  

It also often leads me to want to just enjoy the wholeness and avoid my brokenness but that quickly leads to the wholeness disappearing because it is a spiritual fantasy and if pushed far enough leads to despair (normally) blamed on others for not going along with my unfair unrealistic spiritual fantasy. 

I started writing this the day after my last email but did not get around to finishing it for a couple weeks. 

Before starting let me do a little more "wind-up" that is probably already understood and not necessary, but will make me feel better to have said.  I do not write to try to convince you or anyone of anything.  I am odd and like the intense internal stuff, I think it is because I spent so much of my life rejecting it, suppressing it, and avoiding it because it seemed to make others uncomfortable and thus me unacceptable, if I shared it.  And yet this deep internal stuff was also what I most identified with as being me and thus I was always rejecting, suppressing, and avoiding the deepest (and best) me, which I most identified with as being me.

The image that comes to mind is this deep internal me trying to peek its head out of a cellar and me continually stomping on the cellar door violently trying to just kill that part of me so that I do not have to feel like the thing that is most me is hopelessly defective. And I tried lots of ways to kill it.  Alcohol and drugs were my favorite, but I tried to use therapy and the 12 steps and exercise, and shaming it in myself and others, and starving it with will power and depriving it of things for long periods of time, etc.  And I still use eating and caffeine, mostly to take off the rough edges off life but sometimes for much more than that.

I might be the only one in the world to believe this, but I now believe that deepest part of myself that I was always violently trying to kill is actually who I am in God and God’s image in me all at the same time.  And the only thing that finally got me to try the absolutely desperate “hail mary” of surrendering to it, was a very dark despair on top of the low level despair I had my whole life when not suppressing it. 

As I write I realize that my ecstasy kind of makes sense in this context of switching from being so desperate for so long and trying to kill the most, if not only important part of me, thinking that was the answer, to surrendering to and then really embracing who I am in God, is probably the perfect recipe for spiritual ecstasy.  I’ve actually never been looking for euphoria/ecstasy in the spiritual realm, and I am still somewhat uncomfortable with it.  At the same time it seems like I am supposed to learn from it.   I think I am supposed to learn to let it infuse the areas of me that are the most separate/broken/lost/etc so that I do not have to act in a “worldy” ways, trying to accumulate and use emotional currency to protect myself, which separates me from everything else and is the belly of the beast where I spent most of my life.

That means that I have to live on the faith that what Jesus and all the great spiritual teachers have taught is actually the truth, here and now.  And that is extremely hard to do (have faith), even when I get these regular extremely powerful spiritual experiences that tell me that is true reality.  Then even if I do have that faith, learning to allow this sacred place in me to manifest itself in my daily life takes practice (like everything else in life) and even when I am trying hard and doing everything right in trying to live from it, I often screw up. 

Moving on I am very aware a lot of these things I say and do make me seem off the wall and I may be off the wall, and I am all for skepticism of me if in a inquisitive manner or even a respectful disagreeing and contradicting manner.  I’m not sure if you were being skeptical or inquisitive when asking me about the benefits of the physical feelings, but it is great because it pushes me further into them and at least in the vicinity of who I think I am in God to look for an answer.  So always feel free to go even further, and as such point out where I seem to be wrong or have holes or fallacies in my concepts.  It is fruitful and fulfilling trying to fill in those holes.

That turned into something completely different than I was intending to write about, which is that a part of my last long message made it sound like I thought I was only broken/separate/lost because of my scars from trying to live in community with those around me growing up or since and that is not true at all.  I probably went there first because it is what we had been talking about.  The main reason I am broken/separate/lost is because my first and main priority has always been to protect this deepest part of myself (which I used to think was hopelessly defective and now think is who I am in God).

I believe this is the true meaning of original sin, that as humans our first priority is to protect this deepest place within us rather than live from it.  When we developed consciousness, aka the knowledge of good and evil, we mistakenly thought we had developed a way to keep this deep vulnerable part of us protected and still satisfied.  However, this led us to view ourselves as separate and try to gain advantages over our fellows in order to protect it and then satisfy it, which is the origin and still source of all sin. 

So if what I think is spiritual euphoria that I often experience is going to do me much good, likely it will be by being so delicious (as you said from Brother Lawrence) or in other ways irresistible (from the joy of living it and the pain of burying it) that I will make it a higher priority to live from it rather than protect it.  And over time I will learn through failure and success how to integrate (live and share) it in more and more facets of my daily life with people and things I come in contact with.  

And what you have done for me is genuinely seem inquisitive about all this stuff I try to express verbally or in writing, and again I thank you for that.  It is hard to be motivated to try to express it and share it when doing so mostly irritates most people, and while I am willing to be irritating to some extent to share what I think is of utmost importance, I have no desire to be irritating.  I want to nurturing of this most important path everyone most wants.  At the present time I have not figure out how to do that much though unless the other person is in dire straights. 

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